
The 波士顿大学学院 家长教育系列 offers parenting-specific virtual workshops from a variety of experts in their fields.


博士. 吉尔·沃尔什
2024年2月27日星期二| 7:30-8:45.m.

随着人工智能和聊天GPT的兴起和快速变化, what are ways in which it can be used in academically enriching ways and how can we model and talk about productive tech use with our children?  Additionally, how can we steady ourselves, and model for our kids, responsible tech use?


Dr. 吉尔·沃尔什(吉尔·沃尔什)是波士顿大学的社会学教授. 她也是Digital age的创始人, 教育学生的咨询组织, 家庭, 以及教育机构积极使用科技. 她在波士顿大学获得社会学博士学位, a Masters in Public Policy from Brown University and a BA from Harvard University. 在上研究生院之前,她教过9门课th-12th 他在波士顿地区的一所私立学校学习.

Her research looks at the way that digital media use impacts psychosocial well-being and development. 她的书 Adolescents and their Social Media Narratives: A Digital Coming of Age was published in 2017 and she publishes academic research on youth development and emerging media. 她的研究兴趣包括社交媒体和身份工作, 准社会关系, 以及科技与心理健康之间的联系.


“Growing Up Mindful: Navigating Anxiety, Stress, and Mental Health with
博士. 克里斯·威拉德

2023年10月24日星期二| 12:30-1:30.m.

北航荣幸地邀请到. 克里斯·威拉德 for a special Parents Day edition of our Parent Education Series. Dr. 威拉德是一名临床心理学家, 哈佛医学院的教员, 作者, 顾问, and a leading practitioner on implementing mindfulness programs that enhance emotional regulation and resilience in schools. This event, will take place on Parents Day, Tuesday, October 24 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. 在GSU礼堂, and is a unique chance to hear from an expert in the field of mindfulness and meditation while you wait for your parent-advisor conference.



Parents have a pivotal role in building and supporting healthy habits, 孩子的适应力和积极应对能力. 我们认识到父母塑造孩子的强大方式, as well how difficult it sometimes is to be a parent: managing conflict, 进行困难的对话, 知道何时以及如何设限, 甚至担心如何最好地抚养孩子. 韧性项目, an innovative school- and community-based initiative based at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, is designed to complement schools in providing education and support to parents in their efforts to raise healthy, 有弹性的孩子.

“在他们的屏幕后面: What Teens are Facing (and Adults are Missing)”
博士. 凯莉·詹姆斯博士. 艾米丽·温斯坦,《 在他们的屏幕后面

2023年1月17日星期二| 7:30-8:45.m.

As new information emerges about the impacts of social media and screens on young people, 指导和保护青少年的新策略也是如此. 但是青少年自己有什么要说的呢? 哈佛大学研究人员. 艾米丽·温斯坦博士. 凯莉·詹姆斯在3点接受了采访,500名青少年因为他们的新书获奖, Behind Their Screens: What Teens are Facing (and Adults are Missing). 他们从青少年自己的恐惧和担忧中发现了很多, 他们使用技术的独特方式——令人惊讶.

“Inclusion and Belonging in High Schools: Recent Trends and What Parents Can Do”
多样性和包容性战略专家Dr. 吊杆同性恋

2022年11月17日星期四| 8:00-9:00.m.

Dr. 吊杆同性恋 is a Diversity and Inclusion Strategist who consults with schools and organizations, 国内外. 他曾就多元化问题向bbin娱乐平台咨询, 股本, 包容, 以及归属倡议, 并花时间与我们的学生和教师. Dr. Gay will share an update about recent trends and the role of parents and guardians in fostering 包容 and belonging.

“Anxiety in Adolescence: Evidence-Based Ways to Support Your Child”
with BU Child Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders doctoral students 艾丽西娅·芬利和克里斯汀·李


艾丽西娅·芬利和克里斯汀·李, doctoral students and researchers at 波士顿大学’s Child Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, will share clinical insights and research on anxiety and how parents can best support their teenage children.

斯坦福大学心理学教授. 克劳德·斯蒂尔


借鉴刻板印象威胁和社会认同威胁的研究, 这次演讲将探讨其中的原因, what and how of diverse learning communities: why they are important, a working hypothesis about what is critical to their success and what research reveals about how to achieve that success. The talk’s practical aim is to identify features of diverse learning communities—schools, universities and academic disciplines—that while good for all students, 对少数民族学生特别有帮助吗, 以及STEM领域的女性. The talk will also explore the psychological significance of community and its role in learning.

“Helping Teenagers Manage Anxiety, Stress, and Other Powerful Emotions”
临床心理学家和作家Dr. 丽莎Damour


在这个虚拟演示中,Dr. Damour will address: teens’ heightened emotional concerns in the context of the pandemic; how to best support psychological wellbeing; h现在父母可以帮助青少年有效地管理情绪.

博士. 吉尔·沃尔什


Screen time presents opportunities and challenges for students and parents alike. 到目前为止, resources and a generally agreed-upon set of best practices have been available to parents in setting limits around their adolescent’s screen time. 大流行期间, 然而, when technology has become critical for children’s academic and social experiences, 这一指导方针已被彻底颠覆. 那么最佳实践现在是什么样子的呢? Dr. Walsh will address these questions with a particular focus on thinking about quantity vs. quality of technology use, and address challenges like multitasking and managing digital socializing.
“The Double-Edged Sword: Reframing Diversity to Drive Equity and Inclusion”
博士. 吊杆同性恋


乔治·弗洛伊德的谋杀案是一个分水岭, 凸显了美国长期存在的种族不平等. This increased awareness manifested in independent schools last spring, 当学生, 教师, and alumni shared sobering personal experiences of racial and other forms of discrimination in independent schools. 因为学校的目标是创造更具包容性的环境, what conversations should parents and guardians have with students to advance 包容 in meaningful and enduring ways? 在这次会议上,Dr. 吊杆同性恋 will share insights gleaned from over 25 years advancing diversity, 股本, and 包容 in independent schools and across a number of industries.

博士. 罗布·埃文斯博士. 迈克尔•汤普森


COVID-19大流行给家庭带来了沉重打击. 许多家庭正在应对日常生活的中断, 对就业的威胁, and the loss of social supports; parents are worried that their children will emerge traumatized from this long disruption. 在这次演讲中,Dr. 埃文斯博士. Thompson will address the issues and fears affecting 家庭 and will offer psychologically sound suggestions for steadying their children and themselves in this difficult time.